In 2020, the survival series “Nizi Project”, a collaboration between Sony Music and the Korean company JYP Entertainment, created the group NiziU. Today, the winning group of “Nizi Project Season 2” was revealed.
NEXZ are the winners of “Nizi Project Season 2”, a season devoted to finding a new global boyband. They were created from nine finalists, from a pool of over 10,000 applicants. The auditions for this season where held in March to May 2022 in eight Japanese cities, as well as the American cities of New York and Los Angeles, and Seoul, South Korea. A number of the applicants then went to a training camp in Japan in August, followed by twelve of them advancing to a training camp in Korea in December. Nine contestants then made it to the final round, with the final seven becoming NEXZ.
The group’s name stems from “Next Z (G)eneration.”
The final episode of “Nizi Project Season 2” will air on Hulu on December 15, with NEXZ appearing on the NTV morning show “DayDay.” on December 18, from South Korea.
Meet the members of NEXZ below!
1.Tomoya (JYP trainee)
Date of birth: 1/19/2006 (17)
From Fukuoka Prefecture
A blood type
2.Haru (JYP trainee)
Date of birth: 1/23/2006 (17)
From Osaka Prefecture
A blood type
Date of birth: 9/20/2007 (16)
From Hyogo Prefecture
AB blood type
Date of birth: 9/13/2006 (17)
From Tokyo
Unknown blood type
Date of birth: 4/27/2005 (18)
From Fukuoka Prefecture
O blood type
6.Yuhi (JYP trainee)
Date of birth: 5/11/2007 (16)
From Wakayama Prefecture
AB blood type
7.Seita (JYP trainee)
Date of birth: 11/28/2006 (17)
From Saitama Prefecture
A blood type