At Tokyo’s Akasaka Hikawa Shrine, Johnny’s hosted their ceremony for their members coming of age. The last time they did so was over 17 years ago. In addition, Kokubun Taichi, Inohara Yoshihiko and Kikuchi Fuma were also present for the event.
The participating members were:
- From Naniwa Danshi: Michieda Shunsuke, Nagao Kento
- From Hi Hi Jets: Sakuma Ryuto, Igari Souya
- From Bishonen: Sato Ryuga
- From 7MEN Samurai: Sasaki Taiko
- From Shonen Ninja: Kawasaki Kouki, Ajima Hideki, Uchimura Souta, Fukuda Ryusei
- From AmBitious: Koshiba Riku
Speaking on behalf of all the new adults, Michieda said: as our generation now turns twenty, we’d like to become the people others within the company can respect. As we go into our 20s, 30s, and 40s we want to continue to work hard so that people can proudly look at Johnny’s.
The idea of holding this event yet again for new adults at Johnny’s was proposed internally by many of the talents within the agency, particularly for those in the post-2006 “no ceremony” generation. While they were able to receive advice and warm congratulatory messages from older members, people wanted a way to commemorate this major turning point for the new generation. Rather than calling this a revival of an old event, Johnny’s wanted to update the ceremony for today’s day and age.
Edit: Directly from the company, we have a special comment from Johnny’s and have reflected that Iwasaki Taisho was absent due to illness.
From Inohara Yoshihiko:
With so many of these milestone events having been postponed, toned down, or outright cancelled in recent years due to the pandemic, I wanted to ensure our new adults of 2023 felt firsthand the brighter future we’re heading into. I wanted to give them a chance to celebrate their coming of age not only with each other, but with their fans.
Source: Oricon