Nante Japan Interviews LIL LEAGUE

Nante Japan was allowed to interview with the new group LIL LEAGUE! As one of the newest additions to the EXILE family, we asked them about their future plans, their unique member identities and their messages for the fans in the West.

Thank you so much for speaking with us! Please introduce yourself and your group to our audience.

Iwaki Sena: LIL LEAGUE is a six-member group that was created through an audition, and we debuted in January 2023. As our average age is 16 years old, the name LIL LEAGUE comes from the group’s aspiration to turn our young power and vigor into vibes. I’m Sena Iwaki, 19 years old, the leader and oldest member of the group.
Okao Matora: I’m Matora Okao, 15 years old, the eldest of the three younger members.
Nanba Sora: I’m Sora Nanba, also 15 years old.

岩城:LIL LEAGUEはオーディションから生まれた6人組グループで2023年1月にデビューしました。平均年齢16歳で、グループには若さと勢いをバイブスに変えるという意味を込めています。僕が最年長19歳でリーダーの岩城星那です。

What was it like training? Could you each go into what the process of joining the group was like for you?

Okao: It was 2 years ago, so we were even younger than we are now. We’d gather in Tokyo once a week for training. It was physically demanding to undergo LDH’s classic training, but each session allowed us to strengthen ourselves little by little.


Each member has their own unique addition to the overall feel of the group. Could you go into what yours is?

Iwaki: I’m the group leader, but I’m free-spirited. I think I’m the one who creates the free atmosphere of LIL LEAGUE.
Okao: I’m a dance leader. I’d like to get myself noticed with dancing.
Nanba: I’m the youngest in LIL LEAGUE, so I think I’m like a younger brother for the group.

皆さんがユニークな個性を持ち寄っているからこそ、LIL LEAGUEというグループがあるのだと思います。ご自身はグループにとってどんな存在だと思いますか?
岩城:リーダーですが自由奔放な人間です。LIL LEAGUEの自由な雰囲気を作っているのは自分だと思います。

Of the music you have released thus far, what is your favorite? Could you explain why?

Iwaki: For me, “GATEWAY.” It’s not an exaggeration to say that this was the theme song of LIL GATEWAY, our first concert hall tour held last year. It’s perfect for live concerts. I usually sing, but I rap a lot in the track, which is quite rare, too. I believe new colors of LIL LEAGUE shine through this song.
Okao: “Monster” for me. Included in our second single, this song is rather dark with a rock-band-like atmosphere in sharp contrast to the pop songs we’d released before. I also like the lyrics with many encouraging phrases.
Nanba: “Coloring Book.” This is one of the first songs we released. It depicts a blank canvas that we’re going to color together with our fans. I hope you’ll pay particular attention to the lyrics.

岩城:「GATEWAY」です。昨年開催した自身初のホールツアー「LIL GATEWAY」のテーマ曲と言っても過言ではない楽曲でライブ映えする楽曲だと思います。普段ボーカルを担当する僕がラップをたくさん歌っているのもなかなかなくて、LIL LEAGUEの新しい色を出せる楽曲だと思います。
難波:「Coloring Book」です。最初の方にリリースした楽曲で、真っ白なキャンバスにファンの皆さんと一緒にこれから色付けしていく姿を描いています。歌詞に注目していただきたいです。

What sort of group would you like to become?

Iwaki: We focus on the present in particular, so while taking advantage of our average age of 16 years old, we intend to expand our abilities to keep showing different colors of the group as we grow.

これからLIL LEAGUEをどんなグループにしたいと考えていますか?

What makes you proudest about being part of EXILE TRIBE?

Nanba: I admired EXILE TRIBE so much that I had a dream of becoming an performing artist, so I feel really proud when we’re performing in front of our fans. Every performance makes me realize that the history of EXILE TRIBE permeates them, too.

EXILE TRIBEの一員となって誇りに思うのはどんな時ですか?
難波:EXILE TRIBEの皆さんに憧れてアーティスト活動という夢を抱いていたので、自分たちがファンの前でパフォーマンスしている時にその誇りを強く感じます。EXILE TRIBEの歴史がファンの方々にも浸透しているのを毎回実感します。

Are there any members or groups you would like to collaborate with in the future?

Okao: I’d like to collaborate with EXILE, one of the most senior LDH groups. Since they’re the starting point and pinnacle of EXILE TRIBE, I’d love to realize that dream someday.

岡尾:LDHの大先輩・EXILEさんとコラボしてみたいです。EXILE TRIBEの原点であり頂点なのでいつか実現できるようになりたいです。

One of the things that makes EXILE TRIBE so famous is their ability to perform. What has been your favorite live performance thus far?

Iwaki: For me, FANTASY by EXILE. It was the first concert I went to see, and I was strongly attracted by the worldview, the range of expression, and the ingenuity that overwhelmed the audience in the stadium-sized venue. It was such a legendary live concert that it motivated me to give a greater live performance someday.
Okao: I’d say BATTLE OF TOKYO held by Jr. EXILE. I really liked this concert because it was organized as a showdown between the groups, which showed a lot of each group’s personality.
Nanba: RAISE THE FRAG by J SOUL BROTHERS III for me. It was the first concert I went to see, and it left a strong impression on me because I could experience directly how great LDH’s entertainment was.

EXILE TRIBEはその圧倒的パフォーマンス能力で有名です。これまでで一番好きなライブはどれですか?
岡尾:Jr. EXILEの皆さんが開催された「BATTLE OF TOKYO」というライブです。グループ同士の対決がライブの構成になっていて、それぞれのグループの個性が大きく現れるのですごく好きです。
難波:三代目 J SOUL BROTHERSさんの「RAISE THE FRAG」です。初めて観に行ったライブで、LDHのエンターテインメントがいかにすごいものなのか生で感じることができたライブで強く印象に残っています。

Is there a song you’d like to cover or release a version of from any of the other groups? Please have each member respond.

Iwaki: Definitely BIGBANG. Since they’re my ideal artists, I‘d like to cover their music someday. BIGBANG clearly shows its identity as an artist group, so I often refer to them.
Okao: One Direction, for sure. Our performance emphasizes musicality, so I admire their artistry and the fact that they enjoy music. One of the amazing things about them is that each member stands out and yet doesn’t lose the balance of the group. I’d like to cover their music so that we can be a group like that someday.
Nanba: I’d like to cover EXILE TRIBE’s “24WORLD.” This song has been passed down in EXILE TRIBE. I gave a dance performance to it once, but I’ve never sung it. It’d be great if I could sing the song as a member of EXILE TRIBE someday.

岡尾:One Directionさんです。僕たちのパフォーマンスは音楽性を重視しているので、音楽を楽しんでいる彼らのアーティスト性には憧れます。一人ひとりの個性が目立っていて、かつグループのバランスを損なわないのが彼らのすごいところだと思うので、いつかそんなグループになれるようにカバーに挑戦してみたいです。
難波:EXILE TRIBE「24WORLD」をカバーしてみたいです。EXILE TRIBE内で受け継がれる楽曲で、ダンスパフォーマンスは一度披露したことがあるのですが、歌ったことはまだないので、いつかTRIBEの一員として歌ってみたいです。

Finally, a word for your fans in the west!

Thank you so much for your continued support. We strive to be active artists not only in Japan but abroad. We always share our stories and music with the hope of bringing Japanese culture to the world. Please look forward to the day when we’ll be so successful as to perform in big venues overseas.



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