The Two Part Sequel Live Action Film, Tokyo Revengers 2, Reveals New Trailer & Visuals


Tokyo Revengers is a manga by Ken Wakui that gained popularity soon after its debut in Weekly Shonen. As of February 2023, it has sold over 70 million copies. The story follows Takemichi, a man in his mid 20s who learns that his first love, Hinata and her younger brother were murdered by a local gang called the Tokyo Manjikai Gang. He then gets caught up in a time-traveling mystery after he is pushed on a station platform and falls onto the railway track. In the live action version Takumi Kitamura plays the main character Takemichi with the rest of the leading cast of stellar talents such as Yuki Yamada, Yosuke Sugino, Mio Imada, and Ryo Yoshizawa. The final box office revenue of Tokyo Revengers (2021) reached 4.5 billion yen and an audience of 3.35 million. It became the number one live action movie of 2021.

After the successful release of the first live action movie Tokyo Revengers (2021), the sequel film has been decided to be released into two parts. The trailer and visuals for Tokyo Revengers 2: Chi no Halloween Hen: Unmei  & Tokyo Revengers 2: Chi no Halloween Hen: Kessen have been revealed. Both directed by Tsutomu Hanabusa, Unmei will be released on April 21st, while the second part Kessen will be released on June 30th.

Four-member rock band SUPER BEAVER have again been chosen to sing the theme songs for both parts of the film. In 2021, they released the song Namae wo Yobuyo for Tokyo Revengers (2021). The new songs “Gradation”, was written for the first part while “Not Meerly Fleeting” for the second part. The theme song “Gradation” can be heard in the new trailer included below.



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