Known for his musical contributions to numerous anime series, TV dramas and films including Attack on Titan, Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway’s Flash and Promare, SAWANO HIROYUKI today announces a new song from his vocal project SawanoHiroyuki[nZk] featuring global K-pop group TOMORROW X TOGETHER will be the opening theme of the forthcoming TV animation SOLO LEVELING.
Entitled “LEveL,” the track features a distinctive rhythm and addictive sound complimented by guest vocals from TOMORROW x TOGETHER, who perfectly match the series’ powerful, high-speed storyline. Premiering in January 2024, Solo Leveling is the highly anticipated TV anime series based on the Korean novel and comic of the same name (Original Work: DUBU (REDICE STUDIO), Chugong, h-goon [D&C Webtoon Biz.]), which has become an international hit. Fans can hear a snippet of the track in today’s newly released series trailer, available now on Aniplex’s Official YouTube channel.
Of the song, SAWANO HIROYUKI says, “I feel very honored to produce the music for Solo Leveling and also the main theme as SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]. I am thankful for this opportunity to work with TOMORROW X TOGETHER. Their diverse vocal styles enhanced the track’s groove and the edge of the sound, and I was able to work feeling their talents on hand. It is a work that I look forward to seeing as a TV viewer myself, so I really hope people will enjoy the anime along with my music.”
TOMORROW X TOGETHER add, “LEveL’ expresses the main character’s strength with its dark and heavy feeling. Its distinctive and addictive rhythm really sticks to your head once you hear it, so please enjoy our song over and over along with the anime.”