KREVA to Release New Album to Celebrate His 20th Anniversary

On February 19, KREVA will release his tenth album, “Project K.” This album will be released on the 20th anniversary of his solo debut. This is first album since 2021’s “LOOP END / LOOP START .”

The music video for the album’s opener, “No Limit”, was recently released, and can be seen below!

Limited Edition

Regular Edition

KREVA「Project K」通常盤ジャケット

1. No Limit
2. ⼝から今、⼼。 (Kuchi kara Ima, Kokoro.)
3. TradeMark
5. ラッセーラ (Rassera)
6. Project K Interlude
7. Knock
8. Forever Student
9. Expert
10. 次会う時 (Tsugi Au Toki)
11.New Phase

Limited Edition DVD
KREVA in Billboard Live Tour 2024 6/18 (Tue) 2nd Stage
Expert / TradeMark (Jazz Ver.)

Music Video & Making
Expert (Music Video) / Forever Student (Music Video) / No Limit (Music Video) / Expert (Making) / Forever Student (Making) / No Limit (Making)



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