Special Program to Commemorate the Release of Movie “Soshite Boku wa Tohou ni Kureru” starring Fujigaya Taisuke, Maeda Atsuko, Nakao Akiyoshi, Toyokawa Etsushi & Karina Will Be Broadcasted

It has been announced that a special feature to commemorate the release of new movie “Soshite Boku wa Tohou ni Kureru” starring Fujigaya Taisuke of Kis-My-Ft2 will be broadcast and distributed. The film depicts how Sugawara Yuichi (played by Fujigaya), a part-timer, cuts off various human relationships and escapes due to trivial things. Miura Daisuke wrote and directed the film which was filmed in his hometown of Hokkaido. Cast members Fujigaya Taisuke, Maeda Atsuko, Nakao Akiyoshi, Toyokawa Etsushi and Karina will all participate in the special program and it will be first shown exclusively in Hokkaido via HTB (a broadcasting station in the Hokkaido area) before being available for online viewing via Happinet Phantom Studios YouTube channel from 12:00 pm on January 7th. They will talk about the behind-the-scenes of filming, the rigorousness of Miura as a director, Fujigaya as an actor, and the appeal of this work.

“Soshite Boku wa Tohou ni Kureru” will be released in theaters nationwide starting from January 13th.

Check out some of the officially released stills of Soshite Boku wa Tohou ni Kureru below!


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